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Wednesday MDWK Worship - 7:00pm

Sunday Classes - 10:00am

Sunday Worship -  11:00am

Midweek Worship, February 5, 2025 is canceled due to icy road conditions & a winter weather advisory.

Please pray for TLC families, Our campus, & the KC metro for protection and that power & plumbing would remain operational. Be safe & Warm in jesus name!

Sunday February 9 - SUPER sunday at The Life Church

11AM Worship - Bishop Gleason

(Closed: 10AM Classes, Nursery, Kids, Hospitality, Resources)

Wednesday February 12 - MDWK at The Life Church

7:00pm - Valentines Day Panel

Business Meeting to follow

Open: Kids, Youth, and Adult Worship ServicE

Sunday February 16 - SUnday at The Life CHurch

10:00am Classes

11:00am Worship - Pastor Justin Gleason

Open: TLC Resource Center, Classes, Hospitality, Youth, & Kids

Wednesday February 19 - MDWK at The Life Church

7:00pm - Ana Gleason

Open: Kids, Youth, and Adult Worship ServicE

Sunday February 23 - SUnday at The Life CHurch

10:00am Classes

11:00am Worship - Pastor Justin Gleason

Open: TLC Resource Center, Classes, Hospitality, Youth, & Kids

Wednesday February 26 - MDWK at The Life Church

7:00pm - Bishop Stan Gleason

Open: Kids, Youth, and Adult Worship ServicE

Sunday April 6 - 70th TLC Anniversary

11:00am - Bryan Parkey

02/13 Thu. - 02/14 Fri., UPCI MO District, Renew Marriage Retreat, Branson, MO. 

03/30 Sun, Italian Lunch, Mother’s Memorial Benefit

04/13 Sun., Palm Sunday, Bake Sale Mother’s Memorial Benefit

04/16 Wed., - 04/18 Fri., UPCI MO District Youth Convention, St. Charles, MO

04/24 Thu. - 04/26 Sat., UPCI MO District Ladies Conference, Branson, MO

06/03 Tue. - 06/07 Sat., UPCI MO District Sr. High Camp, Ages 15 - 18, Pinecrest Camp, Fredericktown, MO

05/27 Tue. - 05/31 Sat., MO District Jr. High Camp, Ages 12 - 15, Pinecrest Camp, Fredericktown, MO

06/25 Wed. - 06/27 Fri., UPCI MO District Camp Meeting, Black River Coliseum, Poplar

07/07 Mon. - 07/11 Fri., UPCI MO District Junior Camp, Ages 8-11, Pinecrest Camp, Fredericktown, MO

09/07 Sun. - Market & Bake Sale Mother’s Memorial Benefit

09/14 Sun. 11AM - Global Missions Service

09/18 Thu. - 09/20 Sat., MO District Men’s Conference, Location tbd

09/23 Tue. - 09/26 Fri., UPCI General Conference, St. Louis, MO

10/04 Sat. 5PM, Fall Fest (Raincheck 10/05 Sun. 5PM)

10/24 Fri. - 10/26 Sun., Passing the Mantle 2025*

The Life Church | Pastor Justin Gleason |

10400 View High Drive  Kansas City, MO 64134

816-489-3817 | | P.O. Box 7076 Lee's Summit, MO. 64064

Welcome! We're so glad you're here!

If you've been following God your entire life, you're welcome here. If you're new to faith, you're welcome here. If you're not really sure you believe in God at all, you're welcome here. No matter where you are on the road of life, we want to walk alongside you as you go. Our hope is that as you join us on the journey, you'll discover a God who is active, alive, and at work in your life.

The Life Church is located on the south side of Kansas City, near Summit Fair Shopping Center, at I-470 and View High Drive.  Whether you're a Kansas City native or you're just visiting our beautiful city, we'd love to see you!